Dear Virginia:
I believe that, as a wife of a transvestite I have an interesting story to tell that might help other TVs and their wives.
I lived with a very masculine man for almost four years without knowing that he was a TV. I had been very sexually inhibited about the first three years that we lived together. My "man" was very patient and understanding of this because he knew about my up- bringing (sex was dirty and all that). Finally I became very unin- hibited and even learned to play the role of aggressor which my "man" loved. I even accidently found out how turned on he became when I discovered his nipples. I thought that was a little strange because no other man I had ever "known" had been turned on this way.
After living together for four years I began pressing him for marriage but to no avail and I could not figure this out because I knew how much he loved me and in his own words that he "would never leave me." Then one night everything became very clear to me. My "man" got very drunk and on the way home kept saying, "We can't get married because you don't really know me." I kept question- ing him and he finally admitted to me that he was a transvestite. Now, knowing my limited background you would think that this would have shocked me, but it didn't. I was too curious about the whole thing and kept plying him with questions. He finally answered all my questions and admitted to living with a very broad-minded girl previously who had understood these things. When she died he believed that everything had ended and would never be the same again. He even threw away all his feminine clothes.